Yep! It snowed here in Vegas. My dad says that it is the most snow Las Vegas has seen since 1929. The kids had so much fun watching it all day and then playing in it. If you ask Elizabeth what happens when it snows she will tell you that Santa is coming. I think this Christmas is going to be alot of fun with them understanding more about Christmas and what it all means. We took the kids to see Santa this year and I was sure that they would never sit on his lap let alone have a full on conversation with son told him,"just bring presents, Santa." Elijah, oh course, smiled for these pictures but Elizabeth refused. She did not seem to care for it all that much but did as she was asked. Here are some pictures of their fun.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Snow and Santa...all in one week
Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 4:08 PM 4 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It is offical...
So the poll is closed and the results are in. Sarah is the winner of this years thanksgiving throwdown. Thanks to everyone who voted. We will also now reveal who's was who's if you did not already know. #1-mom,#2-Sarah,#3-Jordan, #4-Sammi,#5-Jeremy.

Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 10:59 AM 6 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008





Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 3:13 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A Quick Update
Just a quick little update. I tried to get a few cute pictures of the kids together but Elijah was not being very cooperative. However, I did get some cute ones of them individually. Enjoy.
Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 9:11 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Weekend with Gramma and Dza-dza
This past weekend the kids went on their first trip away from home without mommy and daddy. They spent four days with Gramma and Dza-dza. They had a blast and are still talking about all the fun things they did. They went to the park every day I think, they carved pumpkins, went trick or treating and just had some quality time with their grandparents. Mom dressed them up as Raggedy Ann and Andy for Halloween but we did not get any clear pictures of them but I think Nicole may have gotten a few so hopefully they will post those...(hint, hint). It was really great for Jeremy and I to have some time with Joshua but we missed the twins alot. Here are a couple really great pictures of their fun. So the twins are not looking at the camera but I wanted you to see the talent that is the Perkowski's pumpkin carving. I was impressed anyway.
And here is a quick one of my littlest angel. He does not do this so well in the evening but I thought he looked so cute a curled up. It reminds of the good times.
Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 6:35 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Family That Rocks Together, Stays Together
The Haircut: Things have been moving so quickly around here sometimes I forget how amazingly cute my twins are. Today we took Elizabeth to get her first hair cut. I may be out of line here, but after looking at the photos that Sarah took I am pretty sure that the hairdresser is a part time stripper. I mean who owns a leopard print smock. Those things are called smocks right? Anyways Elizabeth's hair had been looking a little rough so we decided to get her hair cleaned up a little bit. As she was leaving, the hair technician asked Elizabeth if she would like a sucker... which brings us to....

The Hard Rock: Rock Band 2. Sarah bought Rock Band 2 for me a little while ago and we just haven't had lots of time to mess around with it. So Joshua was asleep and a light bulb lit up in my brain. I whipped out my Wii Guitar Hero guitar and strapped it on my son. Needless to say tears welled up in my eyes. He looks like a natural, and no I did not put his hands in that position. Many hours of studying my Dad playing his acoustic lead to the near perfect hand hold on his instrument. I love being a Dad sometimes.
Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 1:21 PM 4 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
More Cuteness
Just a little update with some really cute pictures of my kids. We are doing really great. Joshua is sleeping through the night and the twins are getting used to having a little brother. Nicole and Jason stayed with us for a few days this week and took some really great pictures of Joshua. Nicole posted them on their blog so be sure to check those out as well.
Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 10:39 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
5 a.m. Feedings and Fountains of Pee

Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 5:58 AM 5 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New Beginnings
Wow, it really is amazing how much can happen in such a short amount of time. This picture below is of our new house! We are going to be moving into it on September 13th. It has 5 bedrooms and 2 3/4 bath. We are so excited to move into a place that will comfortably fit our growing family. My dad is going to be living with us as well, which we could not be happier about. Speaking of our growing family, we also found out last Friday that I am scheduled for a c-section on October 1st. So, needless to say this will be a very busy couple of weeks for the Perkowski family.
Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 11:34 AM 6 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
It has been way too long
I went to change our templet and realized that it has been like 2 months since I have updated. Not a whole lot has been going on, we have just been enjoying our summer vacation together which is ending too soon. Here are just some random pictures from this summer. Daddy snuggling with his babies watching a show before night night time. Sorry for the red eye, it would not come out.

Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 2:36 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Our Cali Trip
We went to California over the weekend to see baby Jane and take a small family vacation because it is going to be a while until we can get out of the house again. We had so much fun. The twins were so good in the car and behaved themselves for the most part at the house. We got there really late on Wednesday night so on Thursday we took the kids to the Zoo. We left at about 9:30 in the morning and by noon we were ready to go home. It was so hot and if it was not a giraffe, elephant or a turtle, they did not really care. But they were very well behaved. Devyn warned me that this is not a great place for pictures because you can either not see the kids faces or what they are looking at and she was right. Here is really the only good picture that I got.:( On the way home from the zoo we picked up Uncle Michael so that he could go with Devyn and Jane to the doctor. Poor little thing had to get 4 shots. Here is a picture of Uncle Jeremy trying to make it all better... Isn't she so adorable.

Thank you guys again for having us and for such a great vacation.
Posted by Jeremy and Sarah at 7:19 PM 4 comments