Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Super Fun Weekend

On Sunday we went to Mesquite. We had such a great time. The twins and Jonas played together all afternoon. Jonas is really growing up and plays and shares so well. Grandpa and Uncle Jordan built a sandbox for the kids in the backyard and they all loved playing in that together. The only complaint I have is that it is still WAY too hot. But other than that we had a really great time. Here are some really cute picture.

Friday, October 26, 2007

My Gym

Today we went to My Gym with Shawn, Chelsea and Cora. For those of you who do not know what that is, it's kind of like Gymboree, where kids can play, climb and jump. They have classes which is what Chelsea and Cora do but we went for an "open gym" today and we had a blast!! Here are a couple really cute pictures. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

And no mom I am sorry I do not know what happened to his lip.
This one is kind of "washed out" but I still loved it.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Painted Toenails

The other day I was giving myself a pedicure(it was hardly a pedicure more like I painted my toenails but anyway) and Elizabeth was really interested. So I painted her toenails. Jeremy was really mad and mom was shocked but it was really fun. She held so still and just sat there on the floor while they dried. Here are the results.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well, its all over with and we have to say that we are very glad. Jeremy and all the kids worked so hard and it showed!! Thank you so much Jason for being there to help Jeremy, I know that he probably would not have gotten everything done without you!!These are the student counsil girls. They are just about as sweet as can be!! They called me Mrs.Perkowski...that was crazy weird.

This is probably my favorite picture of the night. This is the score of game...we got killed, and that was only half time...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Finger Painting

Today the babies finger painted for the first time and we had so much fun. At first Elijah was freaking out about getting his hands dirty but he evently got over that. Elizabeth tried to eat the paint once and got upset when I told her no but she too got over it and had fun. Here is a video and some pictures of the fun.

"I don't pick my nose mommy, I swear"...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

All the hard work

Most of you know that Jeremy is the sophomore student council advisor. This is the second year that he has done this with the same group of kids. He had a choose to either remain the freshman advisor(which is what he was last year) or move up with the same group of kids and he choice to move up. He loves these kids and although it is so much hard work he knows it is worth it. They have been working on putting together a float and decorating their halls. I wanted to post for you a picture of just the back drop for their float. Shawn drew the castle for them but the kids did all the painting...I am so impressed!!! Next Friday is the homecoming football game and they will be displaying the floats during half time. I can not wait to see the finished product. Shawn, Chelsea and Cora are going to come with us and we will get alot more pictures then.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I Just Don't Know...

I was asked to post this for my husband and brother-in-law. They, for some reason, decided it would be best to put Elizabeth's sunglasses on. Here are the results of that. Oh, and it is incredibly freaky. They also said something about this being the only way they could look cool in the "purple rain"...we love you Shawn Mann.