Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well, its all over with and we have to say that we are very glad. Jeremy and all the kids worked so hard and it showed!! Thank you so much Jason for being there to help Jeremy, I know that he probably would not have gotten everything done without you!!These are the student counsil girls. They are just about as sweet as can be!! They called me Mrs.Perkowski...that was crazy weird.

This is probably my favorite picture of the night. This is the score of game...we got killed, and that was only half time...


Betty Brackett said... sweet....MRS. PERKOWSKI...:) Enjoy the adulation.
Sorry you guys got beat though...

Lori said...

Great job, Jer! I know you guys worked so hard on this. Sorry about the game, though. As a Padre fan, I feel your pain at losing.

Justin and Amy said...

The float looks awesome, of course! Like Jeremy would every let his stuff not look awesome... And as for that football score- that's just sad. And boring. It's boring with a score like that even if you are on the winning side. But at least the float looked great:)