Thursday, October 11, 2007

All the hard work

Most of you know that Jeremy is the sophomore student council advisor. This is the second year that he has done this with the same group of kids. He had a choose to either remain the freshman advisor(which is what he was last year) or move up with the same group of kids and he choice to move up. He loves these kids and although it is so much hard work he knows it is worth it. They have been working on putting together a float and decorating their halls. I wanted to post for you a picture of just the back drop for their float. Shawn drew the castle for them but the kids did all the painting...I am so impressed!!! Next Friday is the homecoming football game and they will be displaying the floats during half time. I can not wait to see the finished product. Shawn, Chelsea and Cora are going to come with us and we will get alot more pictures then.


Linda (Mom, Gramma) said...

It's beautiful :) I know Jer has been working such long hours with those kids...they are lucky to have him. So nice of Shawn to help too. Bet you'll be glad when you get your husband back, I'm sure you are tired too, picking up the slack at home.

Love you

Betty Brackett said...

Impressive! Looking forward to more pictures from the homecoming game. Good job. :)

Justin and Amy said...

That looks so great Jer! I am excited to see pics of the finished product as well. I bet the kids love having Jer as their advisor. He seems so involved. I don't remember class advisors being so involved when I was in high school...