Friday, October 26, 2007

My Gym

Today we went to My Gym with Shawn, Chelsea and Cora. For those of you who do not know what that is, it's kind of like Gymboree, where kids can play, climb and jump. They have classes which is what Chelsea and Cora do but we went for an "open gym" today and we had a blast!! Here are a couple really cute pictures. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

And no mom I am sorry I do not know what happened to his lip.
This one is kind of "washed out" but I still loved it.


Betty Brackett said...

How fun for the kids...and the big kids too! The pics are great...looks like a good time was had by all...hmmm...let's see...I've forgotten what Jeremy and Sarah look like...hint hint hint...

The McPherson Clan--- said...

That looks so fun! I wanna go.

Justin and Amy said...

Ditto to DeEtte's comments... I wish there was a place like that for grown ups! The kids look like they had lots of fun. Those babies are getting so big! They look so grown up. Crazy. And I love those painted toenails pictures. I'm glad to see it was just Elizabeth's toenails that were painted. Tell Jeremy it could have been worse... Elijah could have been the one interested:)

Linda (Mom, Gramma) said...

How Fun, Sorry I missed it, maybe we can go someday when I am in town, would love to have seen it in person, they look like they had a blast :)


Love you all , see you in the morning