This past weekend the kids went on their first trip away from home without mommy and daddy. They spent four days with Gramma and Dza-dza. They had a blast and are still talking about all the fun things they did. They went to the park every day I think, they carved pumpkins, went trick or treating and just had some quality time with their grandparents. Mom dressed them up as Raggedy Ann and Andy for Halloween but we did not get any clear pictures of them but I think Nicole may have gotten a few so hopefully they will post those...(hint, hint). It was really great for Jeremy and I to have some time with Joshua but we missed the twins alot. Here are a couple really great pictures of their fun. So the twins are not looking at the camera but I wanted you to see the talent that is the Perkowski's pumpkin carving. I was impressed anyway.
And here is a quick one of my littlest angel. He does not do this so well in the evening but I thought he looked so cute a curled up. It reminds of the good times.
Wow...are they all gorgeous! Great pics. I love the way the twins hold hands so much...little Joshua looks adorable on his tummy, and is following in the family tradition of cute kids :) I agree those pumpkins show some real talent!
Forgot to mention that Jonas looks so cute and fits right in with the twins...
They all look adorable as usual. You picked out my favorite of Elizabeth & Elijah :) I will post some Holloween pictures this weekend. Joshua looks so cold lol
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