Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Fun Part 1

Christmas seems to be really drawn out for us. I think that having the twins birthday at the beginning of December makes it feel like a month long event. I am not complaining, really, I am not but it makes it hard after the Christmas festivities are over because the babies keep asking for "pwesents". Spoiled little pumpkins...along with the "terrible twos" syndrome that my children wasted no time embracing. Anyway, my Aunt Judy and cousin Teresa sent Christmas gifts for all of us with my dad and we spent one evening opening all of them. The kids had so much fun. They kept saying "ooo" and when asked if they wanted to open another present Elizabeth would say"yeah okay". Thank you guys again for everything. Here are some pictures of all the fun.

Elijah opening his first present and saying "ooo" as he looked in the bag.
Aunt Judy got each of them a cup with their name on it and both of them loved pretending to drink from them. Those cups are just so darn cute.
Aunt Judy made them little stockings and Elizabeth wanted to put hers on the bears foot.
Elijah only wanted "PaPa" to help him open his presents. It was really cute and my dad did not seem to mind at all.
He sat there forever looking through his coloring books.

I know that this picture is not very good but it was so cute of her giving her bear "woofs" (kisses)as she calls them.

Thank you again guys. We love you.


Linda (Mom, Gramma, Aunt) said...

Those bears are so cute and the cups look cool too, I can't wait to see their little names on them. I miss you all so much, Love you


Lori said...

I gave Connor and Logan little mugs like that when they were much younger, too. I think I got them at the Salt Lake airport; but they're still darn cute! Looks like you guys had fun - and all reports I've had sounded awesome.

Betty Brackett said...

Those babies are what Christmas is all about...looks like they enjoyed the aftermath too... :)

Justin and Amy said...

I really like those cups! They are so cute. And honestly, I didn't realize until lately how fun it is for kids to pretend to eat or drink things. Very interesting. But very cute:)

The McPherson Clan--- said...

I love how you can see Elijah's little "Oh" in the picture, so stinkin cute. And Elizabeth kissing the bear is precious. I also have a daughter that's totally into lovin' on her stuffed animals.