The Haircut: Things have been moving so quickly around here sometimes I forget how amazingly cute my twins are. Today we took Elizabeth to get her first hair cut. I may be out of line here, but after looking at the photos that Sarah took I am pretty sure that the hairdresser is a part time stripper. I mean who owns a leopard print smock. Those things are called smocks right? Anyways Elizabeth's hair had been looking a little rough so we decided to get her hair cleaned up a little bit. As she was leaving, the hair technician asked Elizabeth if she would like a sucker... which brings us to....
The Hard Rock: Rock Band 2. Sarah bought Rock Band 2 for me a little while ago and we just haven't had lots of time to mess around with it. So Joshua was asleep and a light bulb lit up in my brain. I whipped out my Wii Guitar Hero guitar and strapped it on my son. Needless to say tears welled up in my eyes. He looks like a natural, and no I did not put his hands in that position. Many hours of studying my Dad playing his acoustic lead to the near perfect hand hold on his instrument. I love being a Dad sometimes.