Friday, September 7, 2007

All By Myself

It is shocking to me what our two BABIES are learning to do all on their own. Elizabeth practically dresses herself, infact last night I was folding the clothes and she picked out her outfit for today...shirt and pants and they matched, I was impressed. Elijah loves to brush his hair after his bath and most of the time he does a really great job but this time he got the brush going the wrong cute.

He started off pretty good then....
Oh my goodness...haha.
So I know that I have done alot of laundry basket pictures but this one is the histerical. Elizabeth just goes along for the ride and Elijah is literally screaming "Wow". Kids are so much fun!!! Sorry "mama" I know this is kind of an Elijah blog but the last one was mostly about Elizabeth so I was trying to make up for it. How did I do?


Betty Brackett said...

So cute, Honey...I love the basket one. Before you know it, they'll be doing the laundry!

Linda (Mom, Gramma) said...

You did great. Actually Elijah has 3 more pictures than Elizabeth since the beginning of the blog. I don't know about them doing the laundry though..Jordan is 16 and no worries about him taking that over any time soon, but the laundry basket pictures are always so cute.

Love you,

Jeremy and Sarah said...

This will probably make me sound like a bad mom but it is really hard to let them help. Especially when you just want to hurry and get it done. But I have learned that if I do ever want them to help me then I can not stifle their interests in helping but it is hard to let go and let them help me by throwing all the laundry back into the basket after it has already been folded...oh and sorry for the misspell of hysterical...I know that was driving someone crazy... and the unnecessary "the" right before it. Forgot to reread before I posted.

Justin and Amy said...

Elijah's face in the laundry basket picture is hilarious! I love how animated it is. It lloks like he is having the time of his life in that little laundy basket. They are adorable.