Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Really Quick

On Monday we have an appoinment with perinatologist to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I am going to put up a poll so if you are interested in guessing that would be fun. Alright, I will post again on Monday to let you all know what we are having.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Eskimo Kisses,Chocolate,and Time Out

I am sorry that I have been putting a bunch of stuff into one blog but it seems like nothing will happen for a while then all the sudden its like crazy blogging opportunity. Anyway so here is a video of the twins giving Eskimo kisses. Make sure the volume is turned down just a little because they are screaming...I did warn you.

Yesterday I made some peanut butter blossoms for Jeremy and the kids were so good the entire time so I told them if they ate their dinner that they could have a cookie. The kisses on top were not completely dry so it was a mess.

Again, yesterday, my son decided that his cars needed a time out, so here is a video and I am sorry that it is all over the place but two year olds do not stand still for very long.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

It Must be Love

So in our family alot of us have silly little obsessions. Like Darrin with the way that he loads a dishwasher, or Chelsea's obsession with the way that Cora's toys are put away (she would actually rather you leave her house a disaster then clean it up and put them away in a different place), or the way that mom will NOT drink "plastic" milk but will have it in her coffee but if she is going to have a glass then it must be from a carton, and DeEtte just did an entire blog on her latest obsessions. Now, I myself have too many to put down on this blog, and right now if you find yourself reading this and not really understanding what I am talking about then in the words of DeEtte, "shoo". But if you can relate on any level then what I am about to show you is an example of one of my obsession and the way that my husband likes to make me loose my mind with the way that he does not support my craziness. My closet is the obsession of the hour. We have a big walk in closet that I have set up with my clothes on the right and Jeremy's on the left. I have his ties and belts first then tee shirts, work short sleeve shirts, long sleeve tee shirts, long sleeve work shirts, dress shirts, then pants. I hate when there is an empty hanger on the rod and I can not stand when the clothes are not in that order. Now, I do not ask Jeremy to put his clothes away in this crazy manner, in fact I just do all the laundry and put it away so that he does not make me crazy with doing it "wrong". But tonight, I was putting the laundry away and to my absolute horror, I found prepared(just for those of you who can relate, everyone else,you may officially label me nuts.)

I know, right, I mean this had be harder to do then actually hanging it up correctly. I will also say it was in the wrong place but this is worse...much, much worse.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hair, Birthday, and a Whole Lot of Randomness...

This is going to kind of be a smorgasbord of thoughts, pictures, and stories. I want to start out saying Happy Birthday to my little nephew...he turns 3 today but he is still a baby to me. I was there the day Jonas was born and I can not believe that it has been three years since that day. Constantly entertaining. Happy Birthday Sweetpea!!

Ok, next topic, my daughters hair. I know what you are thinking, really let it go already but I have to say that today is the first day that I see some light at the end of this tunnel. She is adorable no matter what but her hair has been a thorn in my side for a long time. Here is a reminder of what she looked like a year ago and then a picture that I took this morning.

And last, here are just some random cute pictures of my son. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend.

These are Mr. Potato head glasses, he is obsessed with wearing them. They have to hurt, right?

Just being adorable.